
com.mediafire.sdk.uploader allows you to conduct a resumable upload. The package mainly consists of a "manager" which dictates the flow process of a resumable upload. Three classes and one interface are available which can be used for conducting a resumable upload:

  • UploadItem
  • UploadItemOptions
  • UploadRunnable
  • UploadListener

Uploader Components


UploadItem is a descriptor object used by the UploadRunnable. It represents an item to be uploaded. Initializing an UploadItem is simple if you have a path:
String path = "c:/images/deal_with_it_cat.gif";
UploadItem mfUploadItem = new UploadItem(path );

An UploadItem can also be initialized using a customized set of options represented by the UploadItemOptions class:

String path = "c:/images/deal_with_it_cat.gif";
UploadItemOptions options = //... instantiate object
UploadItem mfUploadItem = new UploadItem(path , someOptions);


Note: For a full understanding of the upload process, see the documentation regarding resumable uploads.

UploadItemOptions allows customization of certain decisions that must be made during the resumable upload process offered by the "manager" UploadRunnable". Options include:

  • Specifying a custom filename to use.
  • Specifying how to handle an upload when a hash already exists in the cloud, account, or in the folder where the item is being uploaded.
  • Specifying a destination folder key.
  • Specifying a destination path.
  • Specifying version control.

Instantiating an UploadItemOptions is simple with the Builder pattern used:

UploadItemOptions.Builder builder = new UploadItemOptions.Builder();

UploadItemOptions options = builder.build();

Once an UploadItemOptions object is created, an UploadItem can be created using these options:

UploadItemOptions options = builder.build();
UploadItem mfUploadItem = new UploadItem("c:/images/deal_with_it_cat.gif", options);


The interface UploadListener provides a callback throughout the upload process when using UploadRunnable. The methods in the UploadListener class are as follows:

public void onCancelled(UploadItem mfUploadItem);

public void onProgressUpdate(UploadItem mfUploadItem, int currentChunk, int totalChunks);

public void onPolling(UploadItem mfUploadItem, String message);

public void onStarted(UploadItem mfUploadItem);

public void onCompleted(UploadItem mfUploadItem);

Review the UploadRunnable class to understand when/where the interface methods are called.


UploadRunnable is a Runnable which can be used to facilitate easy resumable uploads. UploadRunnable object uses the Builder pattern for convenience.

MediaFire resumable uploads may require the use of several APIs:


Basic Resumable Upload

UploadItem mfUploadItem = //...

// create builder
UploadRunnable.Builder builder = new UploadRunnable.Builder(configuration, mfUploadItem);

// initialize UploadRunnable using builder
UploadRunnable mfUploadRunnable = builder.build();

// execute Runnable using Thread or use a ThreadPoolExecutor

Using an UploadListener

UploadItem mfUploadItem = //...
UploadListener mfUploadListener = //...

// create builder
UploadRunnable.Builder builder = new MFUploadRunnable.Builder(config, mfUploadItem);

// initialize UploadRunnable using builder
UploadRunnable mfUploadRunnable = builder.build();

// execute Runnable using Thread or use a ThreadPoolExecutor

Using All Options

UploadItem mfUploadItem = //...
UploadListener mfUploadListener = //...

// create builder
UploadRunnable.Builder builder = new UploadRunnable.Builder(config, mfUploadItem);

// initialize UploadRunnable using builder
UploadRunnable mfUploadRunnable = builder.build();

// execute Runnable using Thread or use a ThreadPoolExecutor