Change Log1.2

Version 1.2 Changes

Description : Below is a detailed list of changes for this version.

  • In 'user/get_limits' upload_size_limit has been deprecated.
  • In 'user/get_info' the response properties max_upload_size and max_instant_upload_size have been deprecated.
  • In 'folder/create' the allow_duplicate_names parameter was replaced with action_on_duplicate.
  • In 'user/get_session_token' and 'user/register', when authenticating with Facebook and if the calling application has the appropriate permissions, the API would automatically link the MediaFire account with the same email, if it exists and if it is validated, or it would automatically create the MediaFire account using the same Facebook email, otherwise.
  • upload/get_web_uploads now returns the quickkey of the uploaded file.
  • Fixed a bug in 'upload/add_web_uploads'. The bug was that the API always returned the previous web upload's key without actually creating a new web upload.
  • In 'folder/get_content', added the more_chunks response property to tell the client whether to request more chunks.
  • In 'folder/get_content' added a new optional parameter chunk_size to override the default if supplied.
  • In the 'device/get_foreign_resources' response data, added 'hash' to the elements of 'files' and deprecated 'md5'.
  • In 'file/create', added a 'type' parameter.
  • In 'system/get_limits', deprecated the 'total_folder_items_limit' response field and added 'max_synchronous_items' to replace it.