056 IO CHIARA E L'OSCURO 04.11.2011 EXTRA Ascanio Celestini in Pro Patria. Senza prigioni, senza processi
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056 IO CHIARA E L'OSCURO 04.11.2011 EXTRA Ascanio Celestini in Pro Patria. Senza prigioni, senza processi.mp3
Audio (.MP3)
  • File size: 1.6MB
  • Uploaded: 2011-11-26 06:57:50

About Audio Formats

Audio can be stored uncompressed, as with .aiff and .wav files. Lossless compression schemes, as used in .flac files, preserve the original sound quality by only removing unnecessary and redundant data. MP3, by far the most popular audio format, removes data using a lossy scheme which results in a slight loss of audio quality but significant compression. The AAC format is capable of better audio quality than MP3 at the cost of less compression.

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This file was uploaded from Italy on November 26, 2011 at 6:57 AM

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